how does it work?

Design and organization
business events and private stays


Seminars, team-building, CODIR...

Séjours team building en Centre Val de Loire

Whatever the type of event, we can offer you a tailor-made, turnkey package to suit your needs.

  • Accommodation in a hotel or dedicated establishment

  • Meeting room within the accommodation or in a more unusual location (golf course, winery…).

  • A golf competition between employees/managers/customers or an initiation for non-golfers

  • A private visit to a winery, followed by a tasting or workshop, or an aperitif dinner in a cellar…

  • One or more ancillary activities to be defined

In any case, contact me to discuss it!

A Professional Golf and Wine Event


Because golf and wine are perfectly suited to the different types of events a company might want to organize.

“On the corporate side, it’s an opportunity to bring employees and managers together around 2 themes that combine sharing and conviviality. All while enjoying activities that are both fun and intellectually interesting.”

Impact on business relations

“For customers, prospects or partners, it’s a unique opportunity to take part in an unusual event that will leave a lasting impression and give the company a dynamic, differentiating image.  

A professional golf event

Golf: an ideal sport for corporate events

It enables all participants, whatever their level, to enjoy an outdoor activity and relax in a natural setting.

What’s more, playing golf encourages concentration, patience and self-control, all essential skills in the professional world.

The benefits of golf in the workplace

Golf offers a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues outside the usual work context. The relaxed, friendly atmosphere of a golf course is conducive to informal discussions and the creation of personal bonds between team members.

Golf and Management

Golf can also be a powerful management tool, revealing personalities:

  • For participants – competitive spirit, mutual aid on the course, resilience in adversity, leadership within the team.
  • For beginners – perseverance, acceptance of weaknesses, solidarity.

Integrating golf into a corporate event offers employees an enriching and memorable experience that will help strengthen team spirit, and enable managers to gain a different perspective and even discover unsuspected skills!

A professional wine event

Wine is a fabulous vehicle for exchange and conviviality,

“It’s a perfect fit for a unique and original corporate event.

Oenological Animation for Teams

Offering a wine event to your employees is first and foremost an excellent way to please your teams. It’s also a way of affirming corporate values and the importance of employee well-being.

Wine, a Vector for Innovative Management

Organizing workshops and games around wine shows employees another facet of management. Discovering a winery or vineyard as a team adds an intimate, privileged dimension.

Wine and Heritage Culture

It’s also an opportunity to learn more about our country’s heritage and culture. There are many possibilities (classic tastings, wine workshops, winemaker meals, creation of vintages…) for the different activities to be organized.

The Positive Values Conveyed by Wine

“The world of wine (and Champagne too!) conveys positive values, generally associated with sharing and conviviality, synonymous with festive, playful pleasure… essential for any corporate event!

Are you ready for new experiences ?
