The Wine...

Stays of excellence between golf courses and vineyards


discovery, curiosity, sensations...

My passion for the wine world !

the taste of wine


Full, delicate, supple, robust, acidic, fatty, heavy, tannic…

An incredibly rich vocabulary has to be used when describing the complex tasting of wine: a sensation.

Let’s make an unexpected comparison: what can be said for the golf swing can also apply to wine tasting… we are all different.
So we will each be more comfortable on different courses, depending on its topography or our current physical condition.

The same is true for wine and the incredible diversity of our terroirs which makes it possible to find the grape variety or varieties that we appreciate best, even if we don’t have the words to explain what we feel when we taste them.
In the end, it doesn’t matter, the only feeling that counts at the time of tasting is: I like it or I don’t like it.

Because when all is said and done, the main thing is to have fun!

Dégustation sur une table de divers vins
Cave de tonneaux de vin
Verres de vin sur une table , blanc rouge rosé...

The pleasure of discovery !

Whether you are an enlightened amateur or an interested novice, discovering a wine always remains a special, often privileged moment.

The philosophy of De Par En Vigne is to get off the beaten track, it is by keeping this in mind that I have travelled through the vineyards, away from the great classic appellations.
I was thus able to discover unique terroirs, passionate winegrowers who constantly seek to improve, sometimes taking surprising or even confusing paths.

Finally, my wanderings have allowed me to discover remarkable wines, some of which were unknown to me but which all gave me intense emotions.
Everyone has their own way of living the passion for wine, mine is to explore new territories, how about yours?

Cave à vin
Cave à vin
Baril de vin pour la conservation
verre sde vin sur un plateau


In wine, same as in life, curiosity should not be a choice but a necessity !
Going in search of creative winemakers or innovative winemaking, new terroirs or simply unusual wines is necessary or even essential.

There is so much to learn from meeting certain troublemakers of the AOP who experiment, sometimes transgress and often astonish.
When it comes to wine, you can never be too curious, it’s a matter of state of mind but also an excellent way to perfect your knowledge.

These are the beliefs that I have used to develop the concept of De Par En vigne, because curiosity leads to discovery, which itself often brings wonderful surprises.
You too, come be curious with De Par En Vigne !

Grappe de raisin
Bouchon en liège
Verre de vin vide