Champagne, the crisis … never mind!

Champagne, the crisis … never mind!

In 2022, Champagne producers shipped 325 million bottles in France and around the world!

This represents a 2% increase over 2021.

It also represents sales of €6 billion … excuse the pun!

What’s behind the craze?

There are several possible explanations:

  • First and foremost, the end of the global pandemic has prompted many people to rethink their priorities and appreciate life’s special moments.

Whether it’s a professional promotion, a birthday or simply reconnecting with loved ones after a long period of social distancing.

Champagne, the symbol of festivities and even success, remains the drink of choice to mark these memorable occasions.

  • In the same vein, confinement measures and travel restrictions, once lifted, brought about a return to the values of conviviality inherent in our society.

Here again, Champagne, generally associated with festivities and good company , has become the ideal accompaniment to these moments of reunion.

  • Due to the health crisis, many family events, such as weddings, had to be postponed.

The freeing up of diaries, post COVID, has generated an unprecedented upsurge in these celebrations, causing a surge in orders for the only bubbly beverage worthy of this type of event to soar: Champagne.

Champagne celebration with toasting glass
source : istockphoto

Other explanations, more cyclical than structural, may also explain this incredible consumption of the most famous of sparkling wines:

  • The rise of “accessible” luxury

Champagne, once considered a drink reserved exclusively for special occasions, seems to have been democratized.

Some brands have taken advantage of this situation by offering entry-level bottles at more “affordable” prices (at the expense of quality?).

Now you can feast at lower cost.

  • Marketing and social networks

Champagne houses and other producers in the industry have clearly understood the importance of social networking to promote their products.

Some have even teamed up with influencers and celebrities to popularize Champagne among categories of people who until now have not been their core target.

The picture seems idyllic.

Exports have picked up again, representing around 57% of volume, and everyone is looking forward to the 2022 harvest, which is remarkable in terms of quantity and quality, and will help replenish stocks to meet future demand.

But the year 2023, with its geopolitical and economic uncertainties, could cast a shadow over what had previously seemed a rosy outlook.

However, the people of Champagne seem particularly confident in the fundamentals of their industry.

Let’s stay optimistic with them, and to celebrate, let’s enjoy some chic bubbly…in moderation!

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