Golf, sustainable development and ecology?

Golf, sustainable development and ecology?

At first glance, golf does not really appear as a typical “green” sport even if it is played in the open air and in the nature.

In the past, the massive use of chemicals and huge quantities of water required to ensure the quality of the courses have made this sport a scourge for nature.

However, for golf as for the rest of society, yesterday’s practices are no longer acceptable today.

With this in mind, the authorities who preside over the destinies of golf have decided to stop using phytosanitary products by January 1st, 2025.
Therefore, all golf courses in France will have to adapt to these new regulations, and for the most part they have already started.

Golf, sustainable development and ecology ?


Sustainable development

As a responsible contributor, you have to reconcile environmental, sporting, and economic requirements.

But this ethical “revolution” cannot take place without everyone contributing.

Change will happen via the provision of information as well as educating golfers.
They (we) will have to face a different nature perhaps more present, bushier, wilder than before ?
We will have to adapt to the climatic conditions, with very dry courses in summer for example.
But on closer inspection, it can be an excellent “challenge“, insofar as it will force all enthusiasts to modify their game according to the conditions.

But make no mistake about it, beyond “sporting” considerations, the real problem is that the contribution in the fight against climate change is a global one and must be made by everyone.

Sustainable development compost

This is the case for the golf industry, which can (must?) become a pillar of environmental preservation, sustainable development and ecological transition.

GOLF AND ENVIRONMENT” FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT 2019-2024: Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition

Keep in mind that :

In one hour, the grass from one golf course produces the oxygen needed by 150 people and captures the CO2 from approximately 30 cars !

Golf, sustainable development and ecology ?

All of these issues are at the heart of De Par En Vigne’s concerns.

It is for this reason that the vast majority of our referenced golf courses have already implemented programs of environmental best practices.

All of them are working to find natural alternatives to phytosanitary products so that in the long term, we can reconcile the “comfort” of golfers and the preservation of nature at its most beautiful.

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