golf competition

For the last six years, I have organised the PORCHY CUP (named after the neighbourhood in which we all live) with three golfing friends.

This is a friendly (but fierce) competition which sees the team from Porchy East (Charlie & Jérôme) up against that of Porchy West (JD & Patrick) in a 3-day/3-course format (exceptionally this year the competition took place over 2 days).

Usually, the game formula, inspired by the RYDER CUP, goes the following way:

  • Day 1 – Fourball Matchplay (2 vs 2) – 3 points up for grabs (1 for the 1st 9 holes, 1 for the second and 2 for the 18 holes) – In the event of a tie, the points are shared
  • Day 2 – same formula as the day 1
  • Day 3 – Individual Matchplay (by draw) – 6 points available using the same scoring format a day 1

The advantage of this formula is that even if a team loses all points on the first 2 days, they still have a chance to make a comeback on the final day.

In addition, unlike the RYDER CUP, in the event of a tie, a play-off determines the winner.

This year the competition took place in Orléans on the golf courses of Marcilly and Orléans-Limère.

A disappointing first day…

for the Porchy West team who, despite some magnificent shots, missed too many opportunities.

The result of the day was 5 to 1!

All hopes now rest on the individual matchplay with 6 points to be won.

On this second and last day…

far from giving up hope, the Porchy West team (needing 6 1/2 points from 8 to win) started to get back on track grabbing points little by little.

The pressure seemed to be getting to the Porchy East team who began getting the yips, making uncharacteristic mistakes.

On the 14th hole, Porchy West took the overall lead…before their opponents, in a burst of pride, found an extra gear.

The last holes were the scene of a fierce battle, which veered in favour of the Eastern team.

On the final hole, a killer putt from Charlie sealed the Western team’s fate, falling agonisingly short of a sensational comeback, with a score 8 to 6.

As tradition dictates,

the two teams convened at the clubhouse, one to celebrate the victory and the other to lick their wounds in defeat.

As the trophy presentation ceremony could not take place on the same day, it will be the subject of a later report.

In the meantime, check out the reaction of the Porchy West team, after their victory.

Find all the videos of the Porchy Cup 2022 on my YouTube channel: De Par En Vigne

Read also: A day with a pro

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