Wine tasting

Wine tasting

Since wine is above all about the senses, sharing and conviviality,

tasting it should not be reserved for a select few advanced enthusiasts.

Is it really necessary to master technical “jargon” that limits the experience to cold, scientific analysis?

We can ask ourselves the question…and provide an accessible, human answer!

Wine is above all about men and women,

who love their work and simply want to share their passion with other men and women.

It seems that today, the notions of taste and pleasure are gradually becoming secondary to the ‘importance’ of being able to detect and describe the slightest defects. When this happens, passion gives way to analysis – art becomes science…

And the magic evaporates !

Domaine Guyot

Perceptions and sensations are, by their very nature, subjective, often the result of a personal experiences. In this sense they cannot and must not be confined to the simple enumeration of oenological terms, straight out of a dictionary.

We are all different, in everyday life as in our relationship to wine.

To ignore this is a mistake, to want to intellectualize the palate of wine lovers is another!

Speaking about this, Colette said:

« Do not keep novices away from the knowledge and pleasure of wine by using a vocabulary reserved for insiders only: talk simply about your wines.»


Rediscovering the passion for wine

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